Your new puppy is undoubtedly a bundle of joy, but as any new puppy owner knows it is a lot of work too. One of the biggest challenges that you have to deal with is housebreaking your puppy. Thankfully there are many different training manuals out there to help you with your training. Unfortunately there is a lot of conflicting information out there when it comes to housebreaking your pet. Lucky for you much of what you really need to know is really common sense.
So, basically I was looking around on the internet trying to find out how to make more intricate bows, and found nothing but a whole lot of very confusing instructional posts with no pictures or videos. Here you'll learn how to make cute little bows for your pets, in 6 simple steps! I'm still learning myself, but I'm hoping this could help others!
Want to spread the festiveness of the Christmas season to your pet dog? Break out the glitter and glue, and get started on crafting an angel halo for your dog. You'll be surprised at how easy this project will be.
Want to get your pet dog into the holiday spirit? Make your dog even cuter for the Christmas season with these reindeer antlers. They're a fun and easy art project for you to make. Just make sure your dog doesn't hide from you when you're done!
If there's nothing else you take away from this video, know this: Dogs, and especially puppies, thrive on consistency. If you want them to do a down command, ALWAYS say "down" - don't ever switch the wording.
Determining whether your dog is sick is and how is seldom easy, even for vets. Canine kidney disease is a very serious problem for dogs, and recognizing it early is vital to successful treatment. Watch this video to learn how to diagnose the symptoms and get your dog the care they need.
In this video, we learn how to remove a tick with Vaseline. First, find the tick on the body of the animal. The tick will be obvious because the skin will swell up around where they are. Use a special tool to help pull the tick off, which has a slit in the middle of it. Now, slide the tool underneath the tick so it's in the middle. Twist the tool a couple of times and then pull the tick off from the body of the animal. After this, apply some Vaseline to the tick and it will kill it off, enjoy!
In this video, we learn how to remove a tick from a dog. First, brush the hair away from the tick so you have a good view of it. After this, take the removal tool and place it underneath the tick. Slide it all the way underneath the tick and then gently pull while twisting. This will remove the tick from the dog without leaving the rough parts on the inside of them. When you are finished removing the tick from the skin, make sure you kill it and give your pet a flea and tick collar. Do this for...
In this video, we learn how to teach your dog to balance a treat on his nose. First, you need to look at your dog and have them concentrate. Don't give them the treat on their nose for too much time, start off with small increments. After this, you will tell them to "get it" and then will flick it off their nose to eat it. Start doing this until you have a time frame that you want, then they will get the treat! Withhold the treat if they aren't showing enough constraint. When finished, you will...
In this tutorial we learn how to acclimate your new puppy to its crate. Your puppy may be scared of its crate at first, but there is a way to make it get used to it so it doesn't disturb you. To help you do this, you need to show your puppy a lot of attention while you are sitting next to the crate. Give it love and show it that the crate is not a bad thing. Give it treats leading into the crate and then continue to give it treats after it has walked inside. They will continue to eat the treats...
In this video, we learn how to make a custom DIY dog gate. Tools you will need are: lattice and wood, hinges and screws, saw and power drill, cut outs from a hobby store, and a closure. After you gather all the parts, start to build the dog gate. Use the wood on the bottom and top to help support the lattice wood that will face the outside. Once you have the entire gate built, you can use cut outs from a hobby store to make the gate more festival. Simply nail these to the outside of the gate to...
Have you always wanted a dog, but your parents won't let you get one? This video will teach you how to convince you parents to let you finally adopt the dog that you've always wanted, and actually develop as a person in the process.
This is the best and easiest way to get a well-trained dog, by using what's called the Kikopup method. Once you have your pup doing the desired behavior, you can then train your dog to have stimulus control and use a release cue.
Does your dog pull too much on its leash when you take it on a walk? Or only pull when you no longer have treats? This tutorial shows you how to break your dog of this unpleasant habit easily and quickly.
House training your dog consists of two parts - teaching your dog where it is okay to go, and preventing it from going where you don't want him to go. This tutorial shows you how to use click training to house train your new dog.
Calmness does not come naturally to some breeds of dogs, but you can definitely reinforce calm behaviors in any breed of dog, no matter how hyper. This training video shows you how to lay down calmly when you want them to.
If your puppy won't stop gnawing on his leash when you take him for walks, there are a few things you can do to train him out of this behavior. This tutorial relies on the clicker and treat method of training to accomplish this.
Puppies are used to interacting with their surroundings by using their mouth, so it's natural for them to bite a lot. However, that's not necessarily behavior which pet owners want to encourage. This video shows you how to use clicker training to teach your new dog how not to bite.
Dogs can be very susceptible to distractions, but you can train your dog to focus only on you no matter what else is going on around him. This tutorial shows you how to use clicker training to train a dog to focus on you.
Dogs barking at other dogs behind fences can be annoying while trying to walk your dog. This tutorial shows you how to condition your dogs with clicking and treats to be perfectly calm when walking past a house with a neighbors barking dog.
If you build your puppy an exercise pen, you can leave him alone while you go out and not worry about your house. This tutorial shows you how to build an ideal exercise pen to keep your puppy which they will enjoy.
If your puppy goes crazy on his leash while on a walk, you can train them out of this behavior and teach them to walk calmly, no matter the environment. This method uses click training and treats to accomplish what you want.
Dogs require a lot less fanfare than humans to deliver their puppies into the world, but if your pet is having puppies you should still supervise the process carefully. Watch this video to learn how to deliver puppies yourself at home.
In this tutorial, we learn how to potty train and housebreak a dog. There are a lot of techniques out there, but you will want to do in the most fast and effective manor. Some pet owners want to paper train their puppies. This may work, but it will take longer to get your puppy to associate going to the bathroom with paper. Don't let your dog pee in the house in the beginning, or this will let your dog think it's okay for them to do this all the time. Focus on all the aspects of dog training...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make dog biscuits. You will need: beef broth, whole wheat flour, peanut butter, and baking powder. Now, pour in 2 c flour with 1 tbsp baking powder, 1/2 c peanut butter, and 1 c beef broth. Combine these together using a fork until everything is mixed together completely. Add in more broth if the mixture is too dry, then when finished roll out on a floured surface. After this, cut out biscuits using whatever shape you would like. Then, bake these in the oven...
We all love our cuddly companions, but sometimes they develop bad habits that make owning them difficult. Whether they refuse to stay in their crates or like jumping up onto visitors, dogs sometimes have habits that their owners would be better off without.
One of the most important lessons to teach your dog is simply to teach him to recognize his name. Usually dogs will pick it up within a few days if you use it often, but other times, depending on the dog, it's not as easy.
We'd let our little Fido run free all the time if we could, but unfortunately taking a dog out into any public space, whether it be simply for a walk in the park or to a shopping center, involves putting him on a leash or a harness.
Stretching isn't just good for humans, it's a great way to keep animals loose and healthy, especially dogs who have suffered bone deformities, muscle aches or arthritis. This video will show you how to give your dog passive range of motion (PROM) exercises on its hind legs. Perform these exercises daily if your dog has recently had orthopedic surgery or suffers from arthritis. Doing so helps maintain flexibility, reduce stiffness and increase blood flow to painful joints. For more information,...
If you've got a new pup, or just a stubborn dog who hates water and doesn't feel like swimming, there is a way to get them to be more friendly with water. But it takes patience, as anything with dog training. In this video you will learn some simple tips for easing your dog into the water.
Does you puppy keep you up all night with it's barking and tiny bladder? There are ways to minimize the problem. This video will give you some easy things you can do to make sure your puppy sleeps soundly through the night.
In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your dog to walk next to you on a loose leash. If you train you dog to back up while on the leash, he will avoid touching the end of the leash after this. First, take a treat and put it under your dogs chin, then push them backwards. Use a wall to practice this at first. You can also practice with the dog in front of you. Do this over and over until the dog understands, then try it without a treat. Next, try doing this while standing next to the dog. Now,...
Does your pet puppy have a problem with pests? Use these quick and easy grooming tips for a flea-free Fido! Your veterinarian might offer an expensive flea dip, but you can give your dog a bath and shampoo at home.
In this tutorial, we learn how to trim your dog's nails without cutting them. Before you begin, you will need a Dremel tool with a sandpaper drum attached. Now, have your dog sit down and place their paw up on your knee. Now. grab the tool and gently place it on the tip of the dog's nail. Do this on each of the nails, until you have trimmed all of the nails. Make sure you don't trim down too much or push too hard, this could cause a burn on the dog's nail or injure them severely. Keep treats...
In this video, we learn how to communicate with a dog in their own language. First, you will learn common signals that dogs use to calm down other dogs. Dogs offer each other signals constantly and when you start to recognize these you can start to see what your dog is thinking and feeling. Dog thinks they are being obvious and don't understand you don't know you don't understand what they are trying to tell you. The first signal is soft and slow eye blinks. The second is looking away, the...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do a reverse through. First, teach your dog how to back up. Start off in an enclosed area and give your dog a treat when it goes back, increasing the number of steps he goes back every few minutes. Next, introduce the cue and start to fade out the lure of the treat. Next, teach your dog to do this in other places. After this, teach your dog how to turn 180 degrees away from you, giving them treats when they learn. If your dog is hesitant, make sure you reward...
In this video, you'll be shown how to train your pet dog to respond to a clicker. Instead of having your dog respond to treats, have your dog respond to the clicker. It'll cut down on food costs for you as the owner and help keep your pet healthy and sane. Just follow along with the video to learn how to do this training.
Ticks. They're everywhere, and they're a pet owner's worst nightmare. Ticks can spread deadly diseases to your dogs and cats, even to people, so it's important to know all the tick prevention tips. Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid, and see how to prevent ticks from spreading disease in dogs and cats with this video tutorial.
This video tutorial belongs to the Pets & Animals category which is going to show you how to teach your dog to stand on your back. The video starts off with showing the dog jumping over the owner's back while he is bent over and staying on top while he is turning around. This may look difficult, but it is easy to teach the dog. This trick is called the canine backstall. And there are two rules to follow. Rule number 1: don't hurt your dog. Rule number 2: don't hurt yourself. You can start off...
A dog who constantly follows you around the house wagging his tail is a dog who really likes you (or is hungry), but sometimes you're tired and just want your dog to sit and be still for once. Teaching a dog to sit is one of the most basic obedience training tricks out there, and one of the most important (especially in cases of your dog bounding onto friends who enter the house).
In this tutorial, we learn how to safely remove a tick. Using professional tweezers that are pointy are the very best for removing ticks. Blunt tweezers will tear the tick. First, use the tweezers to grab the tick on it's skin in the front. Then, pull up and slow to remove the tick from the skin. Have a steady hand so you don't drop the tick or tear it in half. You can purchase tweezers that are made specifically for removing ticks from CVS stores. Give the area 24 hours to heal after you have...
In this tutorial, we learn how to train your dog to close a door. To do this, you must first have a positive approach and a motivator that your dog enjoys. Instead of asking the dog to close the door right away, you will reward the dog with small steps along the way. Train your dog with first giving them a post it note and giving them a treat when they touch it with their nose and making a click noise. Keep doing this, and when the dog is by the door, have them shut this and they will...
Zephyr Clark-Dolberg teaches us how to stop your dog from jumping all over you in this video. When your dog comes up to you and starts to jump on you, knee him and yell at him to get off. When the dog goes to the ground, praise him for going down tot the ground. Continue to get the dog excited and jumping on you and correcting him. The dog will only take a few times to understand that you don't want him to jump up on you. This may take more time with a hyper dog, so just take time and patience!
In this tutorial, we learn to give your dog permission to go sniff around while on a walk. When you are walking on your dog, let them go out and sniff things, so that they can explore the area that you are around. Make sure you are following close behind and still have them attached loosely to a leash. When you are ready to leave the area, say "lets go", and move on with your walk with the dog. Practice this several times with your dog, and eventually they will start to know the length of time...
If you own a dog, you have probably spent more money than you are comfortable admitting on treats for them. Most of these treats, though, aren't very healthy or sustainably made. This video will show you one recipe for making your own homemade organic dog muffins cheaply and easily.
In this tutorial, we learn how to recycle plastic grocery bags into a dog leash. To begin, you will cut the plastic bags in half, then cut off the handles of the bags. Next, apply glue to the entire bag, then roll up into a straight line. Continue to do this for several different bags, depending on how long you want your dog leash to be. When you finish this and the glue is dried, tie several bags together end to end, and have three rows of these. Now, take the bags and tie them in a knot...
In this video, we learn how to fully remove a tick. Ticks can carry diseases, so it's best to get rid of these right away, checking your pet daily. Find the tick and then grab it as close as you can to your pet's skin. Pull it out and make sure you've gotten all the parts. Then, flush the tick down the toilet. You can also use a pair of tweezers to make this easier for you. Make sure you check thoroughly and don't miss if your pet does have these, they can spread onto the carpet and around the...
Zephyr Clarke-Dolberg guides on how to prepare raw food for dogs in this video tutorial. This diet consists of bones and raw meat. You can use cheap cuts of meat to feed the dog, which includes meats like turkey necks. Nature never intended dogs to eat cooked food, so this raw diet keeps them much healthier and gives them higher energy. A raw diet also really helps their teeth, and can save you money at the dentist! One great meal for dogs is to feed them 2 lbs of raw turkey gizzards and one...
In this clip, learn how to keep your dog or cat clean as a whistle! Did you know that there are many methods of cleaning your pets these days? For example, if you have a pet who is afraid of the water try Quick Bath wipes instead of a full bath. This clip is full of advice on how to keep you pet bathed and healthy so that they live a long, happy life.
Dogs can eat just about anything you hand them...or so you think. For the most part, much of human food is safe for your cuddly little pets to enjoy, but there are a few foods that are extremely dangerous to their health.